The video games genres (Open world)

Hi,in this series we will cover all of the video games genres to provide some basic gaming knowledge to beginners who want to have a deeper look on the types of games that attract their attention and provide them with enough information to make them capable of picking the right choices in their preferred genre so let's start with the start.
Start of the genre
When the first open world games came out in the retro era, it started with one of the most iconic games in the genre which was the legend of zelda, which was a very interesting game in the aspect of the story and the open world aspect, in which you can go in different ways not just one way from start to the end it created a huge supporters and lovers to this specific kind of gaming genre.
Development of the genre
When the 2000's kicked in, there was a very important leveling up in the open world games when the most famous open world game had came out which was the first Grand theft auto game in 1997,that was the first step into a new prospect of open world aspect, where you can move freely not in a previously determined roads which was in the previous open world retro games and when the graphics had leaped forward with much more defined pixels.
The modern day applications of the genre
When the 3d games era started,the open world games like gta had benefited from that into widening the open world aspect into a whole new level and with more developed graphics and gameplay that made the open world games spread more than expected and with the free roaming aspect, which was a great way to spend more time in the game after you finish the main story and side quest doing random things, that provided a whole new gaming experience called the free roaming gameplay.
The future of the genre
When you look of how the open world games had developed and the concept of story and graphics and items development with more details in the story and graphics and gameplay mechanics, we can say that the future can hold more in aspects like the graphics and the story and map size and the numbers of main and side quests, which could make the experience much better and with the rising vr usage who knows maybe we will see a full open world experience similar like the ones in movies like ready player one.
Here we will enlist all the open world games that we think you should try if you have interest in the open world games genre.
Grand theft auto
Grand theft auto 2
Grand theft auto 3
Grand theft auto iv
Grand theft auto vice city
Grand theft auto san andreas
The legend of zelda
The legend of zelda skyward sword
The legend of zelda ocarina of time
The legend of zelda a link between worlds
The legend of zelda wind walkers
The legend of zelda majora’s mask
The legend of zelda tri force heroes
The legend of zelda twilight princess
The legend of zelda breath of the wild
The legend of zelda link’s awakening
Assassin’s creed
Assassin’s creed 2
Assassin's creed 4 black flag
Assassin’s creed brotherhood
Assassin’s creed revelations
Assassin’s creed rogue
Red dead redemption
Mafia 2
Sleeping dogs
The witcher
The witcher 2 assassins of kings
The witcher 3 wild hunt
The elder scrolls arena
The elder scrolls 2 daggerfall
The elder scrolls adventures redguard
The elder scrolls 3 morrowind
The elder scrolls 3 tribunal
The elder scrolls 3 bloodmoon
The elder scrolls iv oblivion
The elder scrolls iv knights of the nine
The elder scrolls iv shivering isles
The elder scrolls v skyrim
The elder scrolls v skyrim vr
The elder scrolls v skyrim dawnguard
The elder scrolls v skyrim hearthfire
The elder scrolls v skyrim dragonborn
The elder scrolls v skyrim legends
Positives of the genre
-The freedom of movement in the open world games makes games more interesting for the players to spend more time in.
-Could be a good way to learn about life and choices.
-Could develop a multitasking skills in organizing the main and side missions along with the free roaming .
-Beating the game will require more strategizing than the ordinary one way games which will motivate the mind to build and test new strategies and build the ability of strategizing.
-Could be a safe way to simulate all the things that could be needed and shouldn’t be done in the real world.
Negatives of the genre
-Could be addictive if there is no time management skills.
-Could turn from a simulator where bad habits can be done without causing any damage into a motivator for doing it in the real lids if not dealt with carefully.
-Could encourage some hyperactive actions if the user is not wise about understanding the nature of the genre.
Types of the genre
-Action open world games like grand theft auto series.
-Fantasy open world games like Elden ring and God of war ragnarok.
-Science fiction open world games like watch dogs .
-Horror open world games like Dying light.
All of this and we haven't scratched the surface of it so stay tuned for more articles about gaming genres if you enjoyed this one.
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And thank you for reaching this far,goodbye.